Monday, September 29, 2014

Roshan: How Killing Godzilla Makes You Immortal

So, you know how the game goes. You're either in the lane or your jungle, killing monsters and creeps for gold and saving up for that sweet Battlefury you saw in the shop. Maybe you've gotten a kill or two without dying. You're feeling confident! This game is in the bag, surely.

Suddenly, you hear a roar echo from the southeast corner of the map. The announcer informs you that Roshan has fallen to the enemy team, and one of your enemies (Most likely Ursa) has claimed the Aegis of the Immortal. What does this mean? And more importantly, how much trouble are you in?

Roshan is DotA 2's optional "boss" monster. He used to live near the Dire's middle lane before he had a change of address in Patch v6.82. He has more health than almost everything else in the game, and is more than a match for most heroes in single combat. On top of all this, he only gets stronger as the game progresses. If a team manages to bring Roshan down, they will be rewarded with 200 gold each (plus anywhere from 150 to 400 extra gold for the hero securing the last hit), as well as an item called the Aegis of the Immortal. Roshan will reappear at least eight and at most eleven minutes later, with another Aegis in hand.

The Aegis, once picked up, cannot be dropped by whoever claimed it. Not that they'd want to. After being picked up, the Aegis grants a second life to the holder. If they die for any reason, they will reincarnate within seconds at full power. If the Aegis goes unused for five minutes after being claimed, it will vanish and completely refill the ex-holder's health and mana.

Immortality is not the only prize to be claimed from Roshan's defeat. If he dies more than twice in a single match, his third defeat and on will drop one of the most powerful restorative items in the game: Cheese! No, really. Cheese will heal you for a bunch. That, or you can sell it for a whopping 500 gold.

So what are you waiting for? Pick Ursa, buy a Morbid Mask, and go kill that son of a gun. You'll do great, I promise.

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